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  • Writer's pictureEmma George

How to start decluttering when you're feeling overwhelmed.

Updated: Sep 7, 2021

Decluttering your home can feel like a massive task, one that we will often put off as even the thought of it can seem so overwhelming. Like most things, the hardest part is to get started, So I'm sharing some of my top tips to get you going which will have you tackling that space in no time!

  1. Before you begin to declutter, go and have a look at that space, visualise how you want it to look and note the areas that are really bothering you. Think about how the space makes you feel and how you WANT it to make you feel. Make a list of each area you would like to change.

  2. Remember that the decluttering process can take time, every small step you take, is a step in the right direction. It can take a long time to clutter a room and sometimes its not a quick fix to get that space back to how you would like it to be, think of it as a mini project.

  3. To begin, break the room down and focus on one area, perhaps the one that you noted down whilst looking at the room and start there.

  4. Take a bit of time to do a little research on where your decluttered items are going, for example, is your local charity shop accepting donations? Do you need to set up an account on ebay or somewhere else to sell your items? Perhaps you might like to check out your local reuse sites on facebook. Remember, you want to finish the process and not have a pile of bags cluttering the house.

  5. Take before and after photos, there is so much motivation here to move on to other areas of your home! You will also see how much you have achieved.

  6. Wait until you have decluttered before you purchase any new storage, then you will be able to clearly see what you will need, you maybe able to reuse existing storage, if you are purchasing new items don't forget to measure the area first to ensure items will fit!

  7. Have bags or boxes ready and put them into categories of keep, sell, donate, recycle/bin this will help you to clearly see what, is going where.

  8. Use a time limit, especially if you feel overwhelmed, I recommend setting a timer for 30 minutes, this will keep you focused and if you feel like you want to stop when the timer goes off you can! You will be amazed what you can achieve within that time too!

  9. If you are unsure what do with an item, put it to one side and revisit it at the end, ask yourself do you love it? do you use it?

  10. If you find it difficult to let go of items, turn it around and focus on what you are keeping, it can be easier to think of what you want to keep rather than what you want to throw away.

  11. Don't become sidetracked if you come across an item that belongs in another room, simply add it to a pile and rehome these at the end of your session. Stay within the room you are working on!

When you have finished the process, it's really worth taking the time to notice again, how the space makes you feel now.

I hope you have found this useful, if you do decide to start decluttering, I would love to know how you get on, you can use the links below to find me on socials!

If you'd like to follow me on Instagram for more tips and inspiration you can click here!

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