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  • Writer's pictureEmma George

Have you started planning for Christmas Yet?

I don't know about you, but sometimes Christmas can seem a little overwhelming & stressful. Whilst its going to be very different for many of us this year, getting organised is still going to be a key part to ensuring it runs smoothly. If you've been following me on Instagram for a while, you'll know I love a list!

So with that in mind,  I am sharing with you a list of all the things that you can do now in preparation.

So grab a cuppa and a pen and paper!

  1. Make a list of people who you are purchasing gifts for and include a budget.

  2. Start compiling a list of recipes and then food items needed for the Christmas period, is there anything you can get now?,

  3. If you do your food shop online, check when your Christmas delivery slots open and get one booked, you can usually fill your trolley to the value of £40 with something and then checkout to secure your spot. Don't forget to write in your diary the date this needs amending by!

  4. Are you ordering your turkey? Get in contact with your supplier to see when their order cut off date is, as this may have changed this year

  5. Have a look to see if your fairy lights are still working!

  6. Check all of your decorations to ensure they are still in tact

  7. Do you send cards? Compile a list of who you will be sending to

  8. Start purchasing stamps if sending cards

  9. Are all your addresses up to date?

  10. Check to see if you have any wrapping paper & gift tags left over from last year?

  11. Check your sellotape stock! Do you need any more?

  12. Batteries......always needed for children's presents!

  13. De-cluttering - now is a great time to go through the children's toys, books and games ready for the pressies to come!

  14. If your getting a real tree, again check when the cut off date for this is?

  15. Do you know where the tree stand is from last year? 

I hope you have found the list useful! Is there anything else you can share with the community? I always love to hear from you, so please feel free to join me on Instagram where I usually hang out, our leave me a reply here!

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